Innovative proposal services

We have worked for more than 20 years on successive Framework Programmes and have worked on developing many hundreds of projects in this time.  We have an outstanding record of success in all areas of EU research and our work ranges across the whole programme from Marie Curie (where we have an exemplary record of success) and FET to the SME programmes taking in the main bulk of funding for collaborative research along the way.  We are often asked to project manage projects that we have been instrumental in winning and are fully trained and qualified and very experienced project managers.  We bring the same level of rigour and extraordinarily high standards to this more established work as we do to the ERC work which has recently been in such high demand.  In the blog below most of the entries have been written with answering questions for an ERC audience in the first instance simply because of the flood of work that we have seen from that direction.  However we use exactly the same principles when developing Horizon Europe projects and the blog can be read to find answers to Horizon Europe project questions just as well as ERC ones.  In fact, after a year or so of writing, we are confident that if someone were to read the blog carefully enough they could win from scratch with no prior experience of proposal development in Horizon Europe as all the aspects of winning writing are in there and explained in great detail.

Our approach is the same in all the work that we do.  Everything is carefully crafted from the bottom-up with no assumptions and no short cuts or ready-mades.  We aim to build winning projects and do so consistently and have helped teams win from the ‘outside’ in the most unlikely (to their minds, at least) of circumstances.  We haven’t got an industrialised process in place as each assignment is unique to the client and the call.  Our high hit rate is what sets us apart as well as the very detailed work that we engage in with our clients – how else would we be able to push them to become better than they thought they could be and to win when the assumed that it was impossible to do so.